Undergraduate | Agricultural & Biological Engineering | Mississippi State University - Part 6

Engineering student among MSU’s inaugural class of Pre-Health Ambassadors

October 21, 2019

Our People: David Cuevas

August 13, 2019

Four awards received by ABE faculty and students

The President’s Commission on the Status of Women at Mississippi State University announced winners for the annual Student Leadership Awards and PCSW Awards at a reception on Wednesday, April 10. Dr. C. LaShan Simpson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering won the Outstanding Faculty Award. PJ Jarquin, a Senior majoring in…

April 11, 2019

Bagley students initiated into engineering honor society

November 28, 2018

BEAM students meet the BMES President, Dr. Lori Setton

October 23, 2018

BEAM attends BMES

The Biomedical Engineering Association of MSU (BEAM) had a unique opportunity to attend the Biomedical Engineering Society’s 50th Anniversary 2018 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. The conference consists of thousands of scientists in the field of biomedical engineering from undergraduate and graduate students to professionals who work in industry and academia. BEAM was able to…

October 23, 2018

Eleven MSU students join prestigious Presidential Scholars group

September 26, 2018

BME senior PJ Jarquin won first place in the Biological Science and Engineering category at the MSU Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium

August 3, 2018

Biological Engineering major Ethan Fisher selected for an Undergraduate Research Stipend

Biological Engineering major Ethan Fisher has been selected to receive an Undergraduate Research Stipend from the Bagley College of Engineering for Fall and Spring.

July 6, 2018

Biomedical engineers seek cure for vascular calcification

MAFES article featuring biomedical research by Dr. LaShan Simpson: Biomedical engineers seek cure for vascular calcification

April 17, 2018