Dr. Vitor Martins, originally from Belo Horizonte, Brazil, was intrigued by satellite optical sensors when he first saw images of the Amazon River delta taken by Landsat, which provides image pixels of roughly 30 m square. Advances in satellites and types of missions are growing rapidly, and satellite images are improving and providing new capabilities…
An AETB master’s student from Cherokee, Alabama, Katelin Waldrep, was a finalist in Mississippi State University’s Three Minute Thesis Competition with her presentation, “Beyond Variety Selection: Do cropping systems have an impact on iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) in soybeans?” For the full story, please visit The Graduate School Newsletter.
The Engineering Recruitment Leaders elected their new executive board on Tuesday evening. We are happy to announce the below members have been elected: President: Will Couch, Biomedical Engineering Vice President: Zachary Poindexter, Mechanical Engineering Secretary: Kaylee Wright, Mechanical Engineering Membership Chair: Chris Ogburn, Industrial Engineering and Business Administration Social Media Chair: Brooke Scardino, Biomedical Engineering…