Refereed Book Chapter
- G. C. Bora, J. F. Nowatzki, D. C. Roberts. 2014. Energy Savings by Adopting Precision Agriculture in Rural United States. Selected for publication in “Agricultural Resource Use and Management”, edited by Kimberly Etingoff, published by Apple Academic Press and distributed by CRC Books.
- Tribeni Das and G. C. Bora. 2013. “Greenhouse Solar Thermal Application”, a book chapter (Chapter 17) in “Handbook of Research on Solar Energy Systems and Technologies” edited by Dr. Sohail Anwar and Dr. Harry Efstathiadis, an IGI Global publications.
- Khazimov M, G. Bora and T. Bon. 2015. Electrical System of Automobile and Tractor. To be published by Ministry of Education and Science, Kazakhstan.
Extension Publication
- Nowatzki, J. F., D. Franzen and G. C. Bora. 2012. Optical Crop Sensors. Available at
Peer Reviewed Research Publications
- Chittrakorn, S and G. C. Bora*. 2019. Effect of drum drying process on physio-chemical properties and antioxidant activities of Riceberry flakes. Transaction of the ASABE. Vol. 62(4): 1003-1009.
- Mistry P. and G. C. Bora*. 2019. Development of Yield Forecast Model Based on Impact of Climatic Parameters on Spring Wheat. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2019; 12(4): 110–115.
- Pathak, P., R. Barzin and G. C. Bora*. 2018. Data-Driven Precision Agricultural Applications Using Field Sensors and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). International Journal of Precision Agricultural Aviation. Vol. 1 (1) 19-23.
- Bora, G. C.*, R. Pathak, M. Ahmadi and P. Mistry. 2018. Image Processing Analysis to Track Color Changes on Apple and Correlate to Moisture Content in Drying Stages. Food Quality and Safety. 2018, 2, 105–110.
- Z. M. Khazimov, G. C. Bora*, K. M. Khazimov, M. Z. Khazimov, I. B. Ultanova, A. K. Niyazbayev. 2018. Development of a Dual Action Planting and Mulching Machine for Vegetable Seedlings. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food. 11 (2018) 74 – 78.
- Subhashree S. N., S. Sunoj and G. C. Bora*. 2017. Quantification of browning in apples using color and textural features by Image Analysis. Food Quality and Safety, 2017, 1(3), 221–226.
- Hao, Y., T. Cui, G. C. Bora, D. Zhang, J. Wei, X. He, M. Wang and L. Yang. 2017. Development of an instrument to measure planter seed meter performance. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Vol. 33(1): 31-40.
- Subhashree, S. N., C. Igathinathane, G. C. Bora, D. Ripplinger and L. Backer. 2017. Optimized location of biomass bales stack for efficient logistics. Biomass and Bioenergy 96 (2017) 130-141.
- H. Sidhu; E. Monono; G. C. Bora and D. Wiesenborn. 2017. Performance of Coated Extra-large Hulled Confectionary Sunflower Kernels for Precision Planting. Agricultural Research. 6(4):347–358.
- G. C. Bora*, T. A. Bon, and J. F. Nowatzki. 2015. Capstone Experiences in Developing an Electronic Seed Singulation Device for Precision Planting. In print, Applied Engineering in Agriculture.
- G. C. Bora*, D. Lin, P. Bhattacharya, S. K. Bali, R. Pathak. 2015. Application of Bio-image Analysis for Classification of Different Ripening Stages of Banana. Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol. 7, No. 2: 152-160.
- G. C. Bora*, P. Mistry and D. Lin. 2015. Evaluation of sensors for sensing characteristics and field of view for variable rate technology in grape vineyards in North Dakota. Journal of Applied Horticulture, Vol. 17 (2): 18-22.
- G. C. Bora*, S. Bali, and P. Mistry. 2014. Impact of Climate variability on yield of Spring Wheat in North Dakota. American Journal of Climate Change (2014) 3, 366 – 377.
- Z. M. Khazimov, G. C. Bora*, K. M. Khazimov, and M. Z. Khazimov. 2014. Modelling of the Motion of Free Convective Drying Agent in Plastic Helio Dryer. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, Vol. 23, No. 4: pp 306-315.
- K. M. Khazimov, G. C. Bora*, B. A. Urmashev, M. Z. Khazimov, Z. M. Khazimov. 2014. Computation of Optimal Structural and Technical Parameters of Solar Dryer. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 4, Issue 1, P.258-268.
- M. Kumar, G. C. Bora* and D. Lin. 2013. Estimation of geometric parameters and the volume of selected beans using image processing technique. Journal of Food Measurement & Characterization (2013) 7:81-89.
- G. C. Bora*, J. F. Nowatzki, D. C. Roberts. 2012. Energy Savings by Adopting Precision Agriculture in Rural United States. Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:22.
- K. Agrawal, K Singh, G. C. Bora* and Don Lin 2012. Weed Recognition Using Image-Processing Technique Based on Leaf Parameters. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Vol. 2 (8B): 899-908.
- G. C. Bora*, Mark D. Schrock, Darrell L. Oard, Jeff Grimm. 2011. Performance of a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) Single to Multifold Outlet System for Variable-rate Anhydrous Ammonia Application. Transaction of the ASABE, Vol. 54(2): 397-402. (Received 2012 ASABE Superior Paper award).
- Udumala Savary S. K. J., R. Ehsani, M. Salyani, M. A. Hebel, G. Bora. 2011. Study of Force Distribution in the Citrus Tree Canopy during Harvest using a Continuous Canopy Shaker. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 76 (2011): 51–58.
- G. C. Bora* and Reza Ehsani. 2009. Evaluation of a Self-Propelled Citrus Fruits Pick-Up Machine. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Vol. 25(6):863-868.
- G. C. Bora*, 2009. Economics of Variable Rate Nitrogen Application in Florida Citrus Grove. Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology, 3 (1): 164-168.
- Zhang, H., Y. Lan, R. E. Lacey, Y. Huang, W. C. Hoffmann, D. Martin, and G. C. Bora. 2009. Analysis of Variograms with Various Sample Sizes from a Multispectral Image. International Journal of Agricultural & Biological Engineering. Vol. 2(4): 62-69.
- Udumala S.K., R. Ehsani, G. Bora and M. Hebel. 2009. Force Distribution on Oranges at Different Locations in the Tree Harvested with a Canopy Shaker. Acta Hort. 824: 141-146.
- D. C. Baruah and G. C. Bora*. 2008. Energy Demand Forecast for Mechanized Rice Cultivation in Rural India. Energy Policy, 36 (7): 2628-2636.
- G. C. Bora* and G. K. Hansen. 2007. Low Cost Mechanical Aid for Rice Harvesting. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7 (23): 3815 – 3818.
- G. Bora*, Ehsani, R., M. Hebel, and K Lee. 2007. In-situ Measurement of the Actual Detachment Force of Oranges Harvested by a Canopy Shaker Harvesting Machine. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 120:38.40.
- G. C. Bora*, M. D. Schrock, D. L. Oard, J. J. Grimm, T. C. Kolb. 2005. Reliability Tests of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Valves for Anhydrous Ammonia Application. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, Vol. 21(6):955-960.
- G. C. Bora*, M. D. Schrock, D. L. Oard, J. J. Grimm, T. C. Kolb. 2005. Performance of a Stacked Valve Multipoint Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) Manifold for Variable Rate Anhydrous Ammonia Application. Agricultural Engineering International: Vol. VII, no. PM05-005. Website:
- R. K. Taylor, M. D. Schrock, J. Bloomfield, G. Bora, G. Brockmeier, W. Burton, B. Carlson, J. Gattis, R. Groening, J. Kopriva, N. Oleen, J. Ney, C. Simmelink, J. Vondracek. 2004. Dynamic Testing of GPS Receivers. Transaction of the ASAE, Vol. 47(4): 1017 – 1025.
- G. C. Bora and V. M. Salokhe. 2000. Development of a Tractor Front-mounted Pineapple Plant Dressing Machine. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Vol. 31 (2): 29 – 32.
* Corresponding Author
Conference Proceedings and Presentations
- G. C. Bora and J. F. Nowatzki. 2016. Big-Data Analysis and Collection from Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Presented at NASA Academy of Aerospace Quality workshop at Auburn, AL September 26, 2016.
- G. C. Bora and P. Mistry. 2016. Precision Agriculture, Climate Change and Food Security in Upper Midwest. Paper No.: 162462971, ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- Ahmadi and G. C. Bora. 2016. Developing a Controlled Seed Delivery System with Conveyor Belts on Precision Planters for Sunflower. Paper No.: 162460963, ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- S. N. Srinivasagan, I. Cannayen and G. C. Bora. 2016. Biomass Bale Stack Location for Efficient Infield Logistics. Paper No.: 162461747, ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- S. N. Srinivasagan, I. Cannayen and G. C. Bora. 2016. Effect of rainfall on the water uptake by biomass bales. Paper No.: 162461764, ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- H. Sidhu, D. Haagenson, S. Bajwa, G. C. Bora, B. Johnson, E. Monono, D. Wiesenborn. 2016. Coating of Hulled Extra-large Confectionary Sunflower Kernels for Improved Plantability and Viability. Paper No.: 162455876, ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- G. C. Bora. 2015. Selected to attend NASA Academy of Aerospace Quality workshop at Huntsville, AL and present on “UAS activities in Precision Agriculture in North Dakota”, on September 01, 2015.
- G. C. Bora. 2015. Development of a New Course Curriculum on Data Management in Precision Agriculture. Paper No.: 152188675, ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- Rohit. Pathak, G. C. Bora, John F. Nowatzki, Ann Denton, M. D. 2015. “Use of Crop Production Field Data in Development of In-Season Estimate of Yield Algorithm. Paper No.: 152190840, ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- B. Yagmur, F. Ates, G.C. Bora, H. Simsek. 2015. The impact of different cultivation methods on nutrient content of organic seedless grape. Paper No.: 152189370, ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- P. Mistry and G. C. Bora. 2015. Impact of climate change on the spring wheat yield in North Dakota. 2015 ASABE North Central Intersectional Conference, April 10-11, Fargo, ND.
- Rohit. Pathak, G. C. Bora, John F. Nowatzki, Ann Denton, M. D., “Correlation of NDVI and Crop Yield Estimate using Rapid Eye Imagery.” ASABE Intersectional Meeting, NDSU, Fargo, ND, April 10, 2015.
- Mojtaba Ahmadi and G. C. Bora. 2015. Developing a New Seed Delivery System on Precision Planters for Sunflower. RRV15-061. 2015 ASABE North Central Intersectional Conference. Apr. 10-11, 2015, Fargo, ND.
- P. Mistry and G. C. Bora. 2015. Sensors Characteristics for Variable Rate Technology Based on tree canopy In Grape Vines. Precision AG Action Summit, Jan 19-10, James Town, ND.
- Mojtaba Ahmadi and G. C. Bora. 2015. Developing Seed Placement System on Precision Planters to Increase Seed Singulation of Sunflower to Achieve Appropriate Plant Stand. National Sunflower Association Research Forum, Jan. 7-8, 2015, Fargo, ND.
- G. C. Bora. 2014. Development of Course Curriculum on Reliability of Agricultural Systems. Paper No.: 141922396. ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- G. C. Bora and I. Cannayen. 2014. Harvesting of Cattail for Non-food Source of Biomass for Pulp and Biofuel. Poster presentation at ‘The Future of the Bio-Industry Summit’, Fargo, ND.
- G. C. Bora and Purbasha Mistry. 2014. The Effect of Temperature and Precipitation on the yield of Spring Wheat in North Dakota. ASABE Paper No. NC-14-027, St. Joseph, Mich.
- G. C. Bora. 2013. Capstone Experiences in Developing an Electronic Seed Singulation Device for Precision Planting. Paper No.: 131620484. ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- G. C. Bora. 2013. Impact of Precision Agriculture in Mitigation of Climate Change in Upper Midwest. Paper No.: 131619612. ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- I. Cannayen, H. Zerom, G. C. Bora, K. Nichols, M. Sanderson, J. Hendrickson, W. Hoogmoed. 2014. Fruits and Vegetables Volume Estimation by Machine Vision. Paper No.: 131598833. ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- G. C. Bora. 2012. Local Industry Collaboration in Developing Precision Agriculture Course in North Dakota. Paper No.: 121337232. ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- G. C. Bora and M. Meschke. 2012. Development of a Low-Cost Applicator for Urea Briquettes for Developing Countries. Paper No.: 121337233. ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- G. C. Bora. 2012. Study of Relationship of Topsoil Moisture and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in Precision Agriculture. Paper no RRV12115. ASABE, Red-River Valley Section, Fargo, North Dakota.
- G. C. Bora. 2011 Mitigation of Climate Change through Precision Agriculture in North Dakota. Presented at the field day held at Dickinson Research Extension Center, Dickinson, ND, USA. July 2011.
- G. C. Bora, M. Meschke and J. Venette. 2011. Mechanical Harvesting of Cattails for Biomass. In Proceedings of 23rd Annual Meeting of Association of Advancement of Industrial Crops.
- G. C. Bora and J.F. Nowatzki. 2011. Evaluation of Sensors for Sensing Characteristics and Field of View for Variable Rate Technology in Grape Vines. Paper No.: 1111063. ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- J.F. Nowatzki and G. C. Bora and. 2011. Remote Monitoring Technologies: Real-time Data Displayed on the Internet. Paper No.: 1110681. ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- G. C. Bora and J.F. Nowatzki. 2010. Energy Savings by Adopting Precision Agricultural Technology in North Dakota. Paper No.: 1008860. ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- G. C. Bora. 2010. Selection Process of Senior Design Project Teams. Proceeding of the Capstone Design Conference, June 7-9, 2010. Boulder, CO.
- G. C. Bora and Reza Ehsani. 2009. Citrus Tree Canopy Density Measurement using an Electromagnetic Induction Technique. Paper No.: 096312, ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- G. C. Bora and J. F. Nowatzki. 2009. Web based Resources for Precision Agricultural Technology Course. Paper No.: 096805, ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- M.K. Hazarika, B.R. Parida, M. Magsud, B.C. Wilfredo, L.A. Sonia, B. Cheryll and G. C. Bora. 2009. Rice Growth Monitoring Using RADARSAT Data in Pangasinan and Nueva Ecija, The Philippines. Paper No.: 096320, ASABE, St. Joseph, Mich.
- G.C. Bora and J.F. Nowatzki. 2009. Economics of Variable Rate Fertilization in North Dakota. ASABE/CSBE North Central Intersectional Conference. Brookings, SD.
- G. C. Bora and Roy Achemire. 2008. Undergraduate Degree Program in Precision Agricultural Technology. ASABE Paper No. 085080. St. Joseph, Michigan.
- G. C. Bora and Reza Ehsani. 2008. On-Board Canker Decontamination of Citrus Harvesting Machines. ASABE paper no. 085081. St. Joseph, Michigan.
- G. C. Bora, Reza Ehsani, Hala Chaoui. 2007. Development of a Yield Monitoring System for Citrus Trunk Shake and Catch. ASABE paper no. 071047. St. Joseph, Michigan.
- Min Min, Reza Ehsani and G. Bora 2007. Development of a Mass Flow Rate Sensing System for Citrus Mechanical Harvester. ASABE paper no. 071048. St. Joseph, Michigan.
- D. Baruah and G. Bora. 2007. Forecasting Energy Demand for Mechanized Rice Cultivation in Rural India. ASABE paper no. 078037. St. Joseph, Michigan.
- G. C. Bora, Ehsani, R., M. Hebel, and K Lee. 2007. In-situ Measurement of the Actual Detachment Force of Oranges Harvested by a Canopy Shaker Harvesting Machine. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 120:38.40.
- G. C. Bora, Reza Ehsani, Kyeonghwan Lee, Won Suk Lee. 2006. Development of a Test Rig for Evaluating a Yield Monitoring System for Citrus Mechanical Harvester. Computers in Agriculture and Natural Resources, 4th World Congress Conference, Orlando, Florida. ASABE publication no. 701P0606.
- G. C. Bora, Reza Ehsani, Renee Goodrich, George Michaels. 2006. Field Evaluation of a Citrus Fruits Pick-Up Machine. ASABE paper no. 06-1141. St. Joseph, Michigan.
- G. C. Bora, M. D. Schrock, D. L. Oard, J. J. Grimm, T. C. Kolb. 2005. Variable Rate Anhydrous Ammonia Application Using Stacked Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) Metering System. ASAE paper no. 05-1118. St. Joseph, Michigan.
- Schumann, A. W., W. M. Miller, H. K. Hostler, S. Buchanon, G. C. Bora and S. Cugati. 2005. Citrus Fertilization Studies on Sandy Soils and the use of Variable rate Technologies. Presented at Florida Growers Institute, Lakeland, Florida.
- G. C. Bora, M. D. Schrock, D. L. Oard, J. J. Grimm and T. Kolb. 2004. Performance Evaluation of Single-Point Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) System for Anhydrous Ammonia Application. ASAE paper no. 04-1112. St. Joseph, Michigan.
- G. C. Bora. 2004. Biodiesel as Alternative Fuel: Trends in Developing and Developed Countries. Special study presented to Biological and Agricultural Engineering department, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.
- G. C. Bora, Mark D. Schrock, Darrell L. Oard, Jeff J. Grimm and Troy Kolb. 2003. Durability of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Valve in Precision Anhydrous Ammonia Application. ASAE paper no. 03-1067. St. Joseph, Michigan.
- G. C. Bora, M. D. Schrock and J. J. Grimm (2003). Economic and Environmental Benefit Estimate of N-Ject NH3 Applicator. ASAE paper no. MC03-202. St. Joseph, Michigan.
- G. C. Bora and G. K. Hansen. 2002. A Low Cost Mechanical Aid for Rice Harvesting in Asia. ASAE International Meeting/CIGR XVth World Congress, Chicago, Illinois. Paper no. 02-1065.
- G. C. Bora, M. D. Schrock and D. L. Oard. 2002. Prediction of Parameters Affecting Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Valve Durability Test in Ammonia. ASAE paper no. 02-1023. St. Joseph, Michigan.
- G. C. Bora, Lian Li and Mark D. Schrock. 2002. Optimal Supply Strategy For Kansas’s Fertilizer Dealers. ASAE paper no. MC02-202. St. Joseph, Michigan.